Author Photo Credits: Marco Giugliarelli for the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, 2023

Khadijah Queen is ​the author of several books of innovative poetry and hybrid prose. Her memoir, Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea, is forthcoming in August 2025.

A book of criticism, Radical ​Poetics: Essays on Literature & Culture, was published by the Poets on Poetry Series at University of Michigan Press in January 2025. With K. Ibura, she co-edited Infinite Constellations (FC2 2023), an anthology of speculative writing by authors from the global majority. Her most recent poetry book is Anodyne (Tin House 2020), a ​finalist for the Colorado Book Award and winner of the William Carlos ​Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America. Her fifth book, I'm ​So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On (YesYes Books 2017), ​was praised in O Magazine, The New Yorker, Rain Taxi, and elsewhere ​as “quietly devastating” and “a portrait of defiance that turns the male ​gaze inside out.” Her verse play Non-Sequitur (Litmus Press 2015) won ​the Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women's Performance ​Writing, which included a full production at Theaterlab in New ​York City, directed by Fiona Templeton and performed by The ​Relationship theater company. A zuihitsu about the pandemic, ​“False Dawn,” appeared in Harper’s Magazine, was named a Notable ​Essay of 2020 in Best American Essays (HarperCollins 2021), and ​reprinted in the anthology Bigger Than Bravery (2023), edited by Valerie Boyd. Individual ​poems, interviews, and essays appear in Ploughshares, American ​Poetry Review, Georgia Review, The Believer, Orion, Fence, Poetry,​ Yale Review, The Offing, The Poetry Review (UK), and widely ​elsewhere. In 2022, she was awarded a Disability Futures fellowship from United States Artists. A Cave Canem alum, she holds a PhD in ​English and Literary Arts from University of Denver, an MFA from Antioch University Los Angeles, and teaches literature, poetics, and all genres of ​creative writing. In 2025, she received the Cy Twombly Award in Poetry from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts. She is currently working on a new book of poetry.